Roger Livermore - Scotland's First Ministers - NHS e-mails

Below you will find three zip files containing a series of e-mails from a former Crown Prosecutor, to both Scotland First Ministers, Sturgeon and Humza Yousaf, who both happened to resign approximately one month after the emails.

In batch 2 of 3, this time starring Sturgeon again, Chief Constable Ian Livingstone (who also announced early retirement a month after), Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain, Lord Brailsford and Martyn Evans Chair of Scottish Police Authority and other prominent Scottish figures.

The 3rd zip file contains a batch of e-mails to New First Minister, John Swinney, and a range of top MPs, "law" officials, enquiry groups, Lord Carloway and various media outlets.

Strangely enough (or perhaps not), all of the emails have Keir Starmer on the CC list!

In short, they basically prove that the government in Scotland decides who gets investigated and who is convicted (or not). Therefore, it is a police state. Putin's Russia and 1930s Germany are referenced on multiple occasions.

The Lord Advocate is the senior Scottish Law Officer and is responsible for advising the Scottish Government on legal matters.

The Lord Advocate has the power to prosecute criminal cases in Scotland and is responsible for the prosecution of serious crimes.

The Lord Advocate is also responsible for advising the Scottish Government on the interpretation of Scots law and for ensuring that the law is enforced fairly and effectively.

Is this currently being done?

Further info on the role, responsibilities and salary of the Lord Advocate of Scotland:

Key Responsibilities:

  • Advising the Scottish Government on legal matters
  • Representing the Scottish Government in court
  • Conducting prosecutions on behalf of the Crown
  • Providing legal advice to the Scottish Government on policy and legislation

Current Lord Advocate:

  • Dorothy Bain KC, who was nominated by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in June 2021

Previous Lord Advocates:

  • Keith Stewart, Baron Stewart of Dirleton KC, who was appointed in October 2020
  • Richard Keen, Lord Keen of Elie KC PC, who held the office from 2016 to 2020
  • Neil Davidson, Lord Davidson of Glen Clova KC, who held the office from 2007 to 2016

Office of the Advocate General for Scotland:

  • The Advocate General for Scotland is a separate office that advises the UK Government on Scottish law and is responsible for conducting prosecutions in Scotland on behalf of the UK Government.
  • The current Advocate General for Scotland is Keith Stewart KC, who was appointed in October 2020.


  • The Lord Advocate's salary is £134,092 per annum (2023).

Download the e-mail batches via the following links:




Tags: Roger Livermore / Scotland / Lord Advocate / NHS / Sturgeon / Yousef / Carloway / Swinney / First Minister / Truth / Starmer / Emails / Fraud