Energy Companies Remedy and Questionnaire

This document is not to be used as financial advice in any way, as with everything, do your own research on every and any remedy you use.

Courtesy of Alf and Pat, this is an example of a notice that can be used when harassed by the “energy traders”. It can be used if you are addressed by the energy companies as your legal fiction name, or, if they are sending letters to “The Occupier", "The Resident", "The Owner", etc.

The questions are written to establish the truth that the companies are nothing but Credit Brokers and as such they require an agreed and signed contract to be able to lawfully bill for services rendered.

If they confess they are a credit agency and have no contract then there is nothing they can do. If they remain silent or attempt to avoid answering the questions the result is lawfully the same. This could also be used as part of a G.D.P.R investigation which is a powerful tool to use against them.

File:Energy Companies Questionaire.docx